Thursday, November 02, 2006

I love mornings here. LOVE them.

This morning I stepped out into the cool, damp air to go for a little jog. Everything is colored a faint orange from the sun beginning to rise behind me. I walk a little ways down a muddy path until I hit the “driveway” which I refer to as “death by road” in my mind because of how terrible rocky it is. I greet the guard at the gate in Swahili as he lets me out onto the silent road full of hills that I will attempt to fun. The air is so fresh and silent, as usual, and it I welcome it against my skin. I didn’t make it very far before my legs started burning from the exercise so I just walked slowly, enjoying the clouds filling up the valley and smelling the faint scent of something burning and that freshness that rain brings to the green. I only passed one person, walking to who knows where and asked me why I was walking so slow, so it was nice to just enjoy being alone. I sat at the side of the road and listened to noisy birds and monkeys playing in the trees. No, I couldn’t see the monkeys, but I know they were there because they sounded just like Abu in the movie Aladdin. (way to go Disney for being accurate!) I began to walk back, thinking to myself that I can’t run back, I thinking that I am actually going to give up! I haven’t given up on that last hill- I always push through it, but today it seemed to hard. I am tired! Soon a kid, maybe 10or 11, came out of the bush with his uniform on-maroon sweater and button down, with navy blue shorts, a small satchel over his shoulder, and no shoes. I asked him where his school was, and it is a good 40 minute walk from where we were (and friends, no joke, up hill both ways!). Then I told him that I was going to run a bit, thinking we would end there-but as I started running he started running too! Not saying anything, mind you. (most of the kids are very shy to talk) This lanky kid (as all kids are here) with no shoes ran next to me, with his bare feet pidder paddering next to me on the wet pavement-his two strides to my one actually kept my pace-as I huffed on next to me. He just kept right on, shoeless with his school satchel. And you know what happened? I kept right on, all the way back to Ebenezer. This is the way God works. I seriously think I am going to give up, I can’t quite finish. Even when amidst it can be beautiful! The air can be fresh, and I love it…but then I think I can’t make it. But something comes along that pushes me to the end; gives me some endurance to make it to the next day. And I think, wow, I can do this. God will give me what I need…and then I can breath. I can see the clouds and the sun beaming through, shining light bright on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi.
    It's your cousins in Texas. Anne in particular. I went to MN over the labor day weekend and got to have dinner at your folks house. What a beautiful spot. They were so proud to tell me of your current journey. I have printed out your blogs for Nana to read and she really got a kick out of them. I especially like reading about your choice of communication forms.....funny faces. I think I could work right along side you if that is all it took. We are very proud of you and some of your younger cousins who are about to graduate have the same thing on their mind. Maybe you can let us know how you got there. God bless all the little children of the world. And God bless you for hearing his call and allowing yourself to become so close to him. We look forward to the next blog. Love you always, your cuz's in TEXAS!
