Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Heidi the Explorer.

So this morning I went on a little adventure. I went back into the woods to go for a hike, and I had about 4 hours to do it. Let me explain for a moment, Kabarnet is kind of set up on the top of a mountain with a valley and more mountains on each side. So there is one road, and on each side it goes down into a deep green valley with distant mountains that has more valleys and hills on the other side. When you drive, it is views on both sides, but there are often a lot of trees so youjust get glimpses unless you come to a good clearing, like the one that I found where I can see the sunrise. The other side is more wooded, so I can’t see as much. So it is such a tease, because I know there are awesome views but I don’t know where to go to get a full picture. I feel like I am a little kid on my tiptoes trying to peer into a paned window, getting only a little bit at a time. But yesterday when I went on that little walk I found this clearing on the other side where I can see the sunset. So I started out that way, and as I made my way through brush I found the clearings I have wanted to see. I had to push and make my way through the trees and bushes that lined the edge of the cliff, but when I found I clearing I just sat and breathed it all in. the valley was so enchanting, So green, and soft looking. Little people walked below tending to their little crops and land. I could hear a distant cow and baby crying. I decided I wanted to go down there. Okay, so I kept hiking on. There were spots that if I would have lost my footing I would have tumbled down to the unknown. It was very steep. But very cool to be alone and not have any barriers to what I could do! (sorry mom and dad, I was feeling adventurous ;) ) I was feeling a bit like when I was young and could play in the lilac bushes in my yard for hours, “discovering” things. I eventually found a place among the reddish dirt path I was following that led me what looked to be down the mountain. I excitedly went forth. I have to say I have never started at the top of a climb before, so of course had a lot of energy. It became so steep that I literally just sat down and slid my way down, grasping at any shrubs I could use for support. I finally was at a point where I could be upright again, and it was a field of maize (looks just like corn) up the side of the hill. So I rested, and then walking down through it, noticing a few makeshift scarecrows along the way. Then just sat when I was satisfied as to how far down I had come. I watched children below cut the maize with a huge blade and lean it up together teepee style. Now I was in the valley. !!! It was just so beautiful, and peaceful; birds swooping, the sun at my back, clouds disappearing behind the hills. The great thing about where I am is there is not a fear to be had. The only animals around are cattle, birds, and the occasional monkey. No mosquitoes, no hot days, no robbers, no scary people, no poison ivy. It is great. So I just sat and enjoyed. The hike back up turned out to be a crawl because of how steep it was. At one point I started going up the wrong way, which was apparent when it led to nowhere. At that point I turned around and was practically vertical as I slid down, down. I had a brief moment of panic when my arms started itching and I expected to look down and see huge porcupine-like needles sticking out of them. Thoughts of an unclassified African plant filling my skin with an allergic reaction as I broke out in hives all over and was lost on the this side of the mountain, no one knowing where I am as I lay there swelling into a big itchy rash rushed through my head. But then I looked a little to the left and saw the path I was supposed to take and all fears subsided. (these thoughts all happened in a total of maybe 3 seconds.)My arms were a little red though from something I slid on. Well I did make it back safely back up, and I silently praised myself for all those lunges I have been doing. Let me tell you this is where those things pay off. I ended up finding a way back that didn’t scale the edge, so it made it a bit easier. And probably safer.
We still don’t have water today. That is especially good, because I am filthy from this hike. It looks like am wearing socks, if that tells you anything about the condition of my legs. But we have power, so praise God. No water is also a good excuse to drink soda. Praise God for orange Fanta soda. I love that stuff.
P.S. we finally got our phone working week later. so that is why the delay of the blogs...(internet uses the phone line..)

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